Blank Moon

Scene Synopsis
Based on a true story, our scene follows Peter Moon’s psychological journey of waking up from a coma after a traumatic shooting which damaged his spinal cord, leaving him a quadriplegic. In a dream-state, Peter revisits parts of his life from childhood to adulthood – all leading up to his awakening in the present moment, where he discovers the severity of his situation and the drastic changes he must now live with.

Game Synopsis
Your name is Peter Moon, and that is all you know. After a tragic incident in the real world, you find yourself in a surreal world, where you must journey through your subconscious in order to reclaim your memories. Each level of the game allows you to live through and ‘unlock’ a different memory with the help of your dog and best friend, Cosmo. Throughout the game, you will learn more about yourself and the events that placed you in this illusory state.

These projects are dedicated to Peter Moon, a courageous New Zealander who suffered the consequences of a horrific shooting in his San Diego home. He is loved and missed by many.